Jon Bregel is a cinematographer and founder of Variable; a community where filmmakers prioritize wellness & growth.

Jon has been traveling around the world filming since he was 20 years old for clients such as; Nike, Audi, National Geographic, Cadillac, ACLU, Samsung, Pfizer, Gap, Tiffany & Co., and many more. His commercials and films have earned him Thirteen Vimeo Staff Picks, and have been featured in Adweek, Huffington Post and Gizmodo and awarded at Cannes Lion, AICP, Adweek ARC Awards, LIA, Clio, Webby, Shorty, One Show, Creativity, PDN and Spikes Asia.

If you are interested in learning more about Jon, you can read his story here: wearevariable.com/story or listen to his podcast here: wearevariable.com/podcast